This function, known as Program Shift, will change the combination of aperture and shutter speed so as to maintain the same exposure value, but with a different combination of aperture/shutter speed. Using Program AE works, the camera selects both aperture and shutter speed (fromġ/4,000 to 30 seconds) are automatically selected by the camera, but you can bias the exposure to larger apertures and faster shutter speeds (or vice versa) by turning the Main dial.

Program AE: This is the first mode in the Creative Zone of the Mode dial. Here's a description of each of the shooting modes:
The Basic range includes the Scene Intelligent Auto, Flash Off, and Creative Auto modes, plus the five Scene modes in what Canon refers to as the "Image" zone Finally, there's one Mode dial position that's not considered part of either the Basic or Creative zones: the Movie mode. The Creative zone includes settings for Program Auto-Exposure, Shutter Priority AE (Tv), Aperture Priority AE (Av), full Manual exposure, and Automatic Depth-of-Field AE. Canon divides the dial into "Creative" and "Basic" zones. The Mode dial on the right side of the Canon T3i's top panel lets you select various exposure modes, and most options are the same as on the earlier Rebel T2i model, although the order has been changed slightly, and the Full Auto mode replaced with a new Scene Intelligent Auto mode.