++ Indicate future links to Technology Integration Progress resource pages not yet completed. This would be highly recommended when you are accessing the Portal from a public computer. You can log out of the Portal by clicking the exit icon in the top right corner of the screen.

Access to change your district password outside the school network from any computer, anywhere.Access to the Information Systems Help Desk and Technology Work Orders outside the school network from any computer, anywhere.Many of these resources have SSI (“single sign in”) enabled, which means that once you have entered your username and password to access the Portal you will not need to enter it again when accessing these other resources through the Portal links. A dashboard providing quick links to services and resources for teachers and staff, such as Gradebook, Discovery, PLAN, Web Email Access (Office 365), Google for Education, curriculum programs, online textbooks, and other digital resources.
Archive of paycheck stubs and W-2 forms.Access to your M and S Network Drives outside the school network from any computer, anywhere.The Portal provides a range of services for teachers and staff members: Matching results will populate below the search field as you type. If you are not sure where a resource is located you can search by clicking the magnifying glass/triangle icon in the top left corner and typing a keyword. The Learning Resources menu features district learning tools and links to other digital learning resources.The District Resources menu features links to various tools and resources for students.The Core Applications menu features online textbooks and curriculum programs used by students.The Account menu gives you options to change your password and set password challenge questions in case you forget your password.

Parent Portal Set-Up, Registration and Navigation Instructions (Printable Documents in English and Spanish).GSD Portal & Registration Help Website (includes videos, links, and support contacts).The documents below provide instructions and additional information on using the Parent Portal: Parents can set up Portal accounts to access information and services for their students, including report cards, test results, Gradebook, PayPAM school lunch payments, Canvas online classrooms (for secondary students), registration (for secondary students), parent-teacher conference scheduling via Canyon Creek Scheduler, and more. Some district services can only be accessed via the Portal, while others are also linked there for convenience and accessibility. The Granite School District Portal provides staff, students, and parents with web-based access to many district services and programs.